Forrest, Jim - Lyra

Jim Forrest - Lyra
Senior Analyst
Mr. Forrest is responsible for researching and analyzing numerous digital imaging topics for Lyra's monthly newsletters and for Lyra's focused industry reports. He joined Lyra in 1998 and was the managing editor of The Hard Copy Supplies Journal from 1999 through 2005. Mr. Forrest has extensive technical and marketing experience in the printer industry. Before joining Lyra, he was manager of market development and research at Markem Corporation, a manufacturer of industrial printing equipment and supplies. His additional experience includes marketing management positions with NEC Technologies, Genicom, and Centronics Data Computer, as well as program-management and manufacturing engineering responsibilities with the line printer division of Control Data Corporation.
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P.O. Box 9143
Newtonville, MA 02460-9143
telephone: 617-454-2600
fax: 617-454-2601
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