Graphic Arts Monthly

Graphic Arts Monthly
Graphic Arts Monthly On Line is the Web site of Graphic Arts Monthly Magazine (GAM). GAM, published 12 times a year, targets buyers and specifiers of printing equipment and supplies at commercial printing operations.
Graphic Arts Monthly
Circulation: 75,000
Editorial Calendar: GAM 2006 Calendar
Publisher: Phil Saran 630-288-8530
Editor in Chief: Bill Esler 630-288-8538
Address: 2000 Clearwater Drive
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Telephone: 630-288-8538
Web Site Editor: Lisa Cross
Telephone: 914-293-0260
Reprints - For custom reprints, please contact:
Reprint Management Services
Stephanie Kauffman
(800) 290-5460, ext. 149
If possible, please include the issue number, page number, and title of the article you are requesting.
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