Printing method and a printing apparatus

Printing method and a printing apparatus

Patent Agent: Antonelli, Terry, Stout & Kraus, LLP - Arlington, VA, US
Patent Inventor: Katsuyuki Hunahata
Applicaton #: 20070006752
Class: 101217000 (USPTO)
Related Patents: Printing, Rolling Contact Machines, Rotary, Transfer

A printing method comprising a process of forming an ink pattern on a silicone rubber blanket having a plate function, or a process of forming an ink pattern from a uniform ink on a silicone rubber blanket having no plate function, a process of transferring the pattern to a substrate, and a process of forming a uniform ink on a silicone rubber blanket having no plate function, pressing the uniform ink against on the ink pattern formed on the substrate, and laminating a uniform ink on a portion thus pressed, only on the ink pattern.
[0009] It is an object of the invention to solve the problem described above and to provide a printing method capable of forming a fine and thick film ink pattern and a printing apparatus using the same.
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