3-Dimensional Printing
3-Dimensional Printing
Process Abbreviation:
* 3DP
Process Description:
To begin the process, the powder delivery system is moved up a set distance permitting a layer of material powder to be created in the fabrication chamber by the roller. The function of the roller is to distribute and compress the powder evenly in the fabrication chamber. The multi-channel jetting head then creates a layer of liquid adhesive in the geometry of the part in the bed of powder. A layer of the part geometry is created when the powder that containing liquid adhesive bonds and hardens.
When a layer is completed, the fabrication piston will move down in increments. These increments are specified to determine the layer thickness. Additional layers are formed to create the entire part geometry. Once the part is completed, the fabrication piston is raised to expose the part. With the part exposed, the access powder can be brushed away.
* Fast Fabrication
* Low Material Cost
* Variety of Colors
* No external supports are required
* Resolution
* Surface Finish
* Part Fragility
* Materials Available
* ProMetal
* Z Corporation
* Three dimensional printing was developed at MIT.