British Wood Pulp Association (BWPA)

British Wood Pulp Association (BWPA)
The British Wood Pulp Association (BWPA) represents wood pulp agents in the UK.
The British Wood Pulp Association (BWPA) was founded in 1896 following talks between members of companies involved in the wood pulp trade in the UK. A circular was issued in February 1896 giving notice of a meeting to be held on Monday 10th March at 2pm to consider the advisability of forming an English Wood Pulp Association.
It was proposed at this meeting that the English and Scottish interests involved in the sale of wood pulp to the British Paper Making Industry form an association called the British Wood Pulp Association. A Committee was formed to carry the notion forward where Chairman, Mr Albin Alsing was elected.
It was mentioned that both the English and Scottish Paper Makers' Associations had agreed to assist and that the Swedish, Norwegian and German Wood Pulp Associations had promised to co-operate.
The Secretary
48 Park Road
Surrey, RH8 0AW
+44 (0)1883 722875

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