Commercial Lithographic Printing Industry in the U.S. (Q2-2007 Edition)

Commercial Lithographic Printing Industry in the U.S. (Q2-2007 Edition)
Supplier Relations US, LLC
June 1, 2007
150 Pages - Pub ID: SUPR1498167
Price: $599.00
Countries covered: United States
This industry report focuses upon the Commercial Lithographic Printing industry. This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in lithographic (i.e., offset) printing without publishing (except books, grey goods, and manifold business forms). This industry includes establishments engaged in lithographic printing on purchased stock materials, such as stationery, letterhead, invitations, labels, and similar items, on a job order basis.
NAICS Hierarchy:
323110 - Commercial Lithographic Printing
32311 - Printing
3231 - Printing and Related Support Activities
323 - Printing and Related Support Activities
31-33 - Manufacturing Sector
2752 - Commercial Printing, Lithographic (except quick printing)
2771 - Greeting Cards (lithographic printing of greeting cards)
This industry report includes 150 pages of the latest market research information on this industry. In addition to the detailed explanations of the provided statistical data, there are 112 charts, 18 tables, and 2 maps to effectively illustrate the content. Use this report as an in-depth analysis of the industry, an industry reference guide, an aid for benchmarking and forecasting, and as a tool for uncovering new business opportunities. The report is considered the most comprehensive research in the market.
Additional Information
The industry's revenue for the year 2006 was approximately $51,510,000,000. The gross profit was 30.24% at $15,576,624,000. There were 13,012 establishments in this industry that year. Thus, average contribution (or revenue) per establishment annually was $3,958,000.
There are no import/export data for this industry. For reference, we are using the Printing industry (NAICS - 32311). The total import export value for the year 2006 was $12,163,624,000. There were 213 countries that conducted foreign trade with the U.S. in 2006, 8 more than year 2005. The top trading countries were: Canada, $4,357,731,000 (35.83%); China, $2,099,394,000 (17.26%); United Kingdom, $1,092,639,000 (8.98%); Mexico, $1,027,377,000 (8.45%); and Germany, $319,238,000 (2.62%). Their combined total represents approximately 73% of all imports and exports.
There are no import/export data for this industry. For reference, we are using the Printing industry (NAICS - 32311). The total import value for the year 2006 was $5,791,737,000. This represents a 3.8% increase from year 2005. The top importing countries were: China, $1,866,378,000 (32.22%); Canada, $1,404,965,000 (24.26%); Mexico, $488,742,000 (8.44%); United Kingdom, $458,878,000 (7.92%); and Hong Kong, $204,923,000 (3.54%). Their combined total represents approximately 76% of import from all countries.
There are no import/export data for this industry. For reference, we are using the Printing industry (NAICS - 32311). The total export value for the year 2006 was $6,077,626,000. This represents a 5.5% increase from year 2005. The top exporting countries were: Canada, $2,930,170,000 (48.21%); United Kingdom, $611,838,000 (10.07%); Mexico, $533,754,000 (8.78%); Australia, $242,052,000 (3.98%); and Japan, $195,743,000 (3.22%). Their combined total represents approximately 74% of export to all countries.
The total U.S. consumption value of this industry for the year was $51,510,000,000.
Address lists lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Advertising materials (e.g., coupons, flyers) lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Agricultural magazines and periodicals lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Art prints lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Atlases lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Business directories lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Business forms (except manifold) lithographic printing
Calendars lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Cards (e.g., business, greeting, playing, postcards, trading) lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Catalogs lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Catalogs of collections lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Comic books lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Commercial lithographic (offset) printing
Databases lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Directories lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Discount coupon books lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Financial magazines and periodicals lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Globe covers and maps lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Greeting cards (e.g., birthday, holiday, sympathy) lithographic (offset) printing
Guides, street map, lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Job printing, lithographic
Job printing, offset
Juvenile magazines and periodicals lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Labels, lithographic (offset) printing, on a job-order basis
Lithographic printing (except books, manifold business forms, printing grey goods
Magazines and periodicals lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Maps lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Music, sheet, lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Newsletters lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Newspapers lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Offset printing (except books, manifold business forms, printing grey goods)
Patterns and plans (e.g., clothing patterns) lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Periodicals lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Postcards lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Posters lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Print shops, lithographic (offset) (except books, manifold business forms, printing grey goods)
Printing, lithographic (except books, grey goods, manifold business forms, quick
Printing, photo-offset (except books, manifold business forms, printing grey goods)
Professional magazines and periodicals lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Racetrack programs lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Racing forms lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Radio guides lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Radio schedules lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Religious magazines and periodicals lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Scholarly journals lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Scholastic magazines and periodicals lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Sheet music lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Shipping registers lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Stationery, lithographic (offset) printing, on a job-order basis
Technical magazines and periodicals lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Telephone directories lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Television guides lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Trade journals lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Trade magazines and periodicals lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
Yearbooks lithographic (offset) printing without publishing
This industry report packs 10 years of data from hundreds of reliable government and private statistical resources. The data have been compared and verified to assure the highest research quality. Supplier Relations US, LLC. frequently contacted these agencies and private companies to acquire the latest information, most of which is unavailable to the general public. It is estimated that to gather and organize the same information into an easy-to-read format in each report, an individual researcher would spend at least a yearǃÙs worth of effort. The challenge is, by the time this is accomplished, some data is most likely obsolete. Our business is dedicated to the research of U.S. industries and their associated foreign trades. We can meet that challenge easily as our databases are directly linked to these resources.
The U.S. manufacturing sector is expected to hit the monumental 5 trillion dollars net sales in 2006. U.S. economists have projected another 5% to 7% growth in the year 2007. To stay ahead, this industry report is intended for you to analyze the specific U.S. industry in greater detail. Not only does the report provide you with information on domestic production, it also supplies you with an industryǃÙs import and export data. The report depicts what are the products of the industry and their respective contributions. You can compare these products with the industryǃÙs materials, parts and components list that is in the report. The foreign trade data includes 10-years of statistics, and it is projected into year 2008. Such trade data is also provided at the commodity level based on the HTS classification.
For more information, please also refer to the Table of Contents.
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