Copytrax¨? Direct Monet CD/DVD Printer and Recorder

Copytrax¨? Direct present the Monet CD/DVD Printer and Recorder
MONET CD/DVD Multi-Media-Station
The Monet is the professionals choice for a quick turnaround, low volume CD/DVD creation and print. This innovative and attractive unit designed with professionals in mind, brings together high resolution inkjet printing and a cd/dvd recorder in one compact package.
This versatile unit allows the user to create their own discs quickly and easily, which covers everything from professional software releases on CD to audio visual presentations.
Call us now for an introduction to the Monet printer and discover the next generation of CD/DVD printing technology.
4 Viking Way * Bar Hill * Cambridge * CB3 8EL
T: +44 (0)1954 782929 F: +44 (0)1954 784646
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