
Contact Us
US and Canada Customers
If placing orders, billing and shipping addresses must be in the US or Canada.
Please call our toll free number at 1-888-879-8592 or e-mail us at orders@pictorico.com.
Japan Customers
Please place an order from www.pictorico.co.jp.
All other International Customers
We do not have any distributors at this time.
Any International Inquiries, comments, suggestions
Please e-mail i-sales@pictorico.co.jp
If you are having any problems with an order, or with your billing, call our toll-free number, 1-888-879-8592. Or you may email us at orders@pictorico.com.
Please indicate the nature of your inquiry and provide us with your order number to expedite our service to you.
Technical Support
If you have any technical questions about our products, including product specifications, optimum printer settings, or anything else related to getting the best print results on Pictorico, please email us at technical@pictorico.com.
Web Site Issues
Please forward any problems you may have encountered while navigating our site to webmaster@pictorico.com.
You can email us at feedback@pictorico.com.
Or you can write to us at:
Pictorico USA, Inc.
c/o AGC Chemicals Americas, Inc.
229 East 22nd Street
Bayonne, NJ 07002
For more information about our billing, shipping, return, and customer satisfaction
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