T.S. Designs, Inc
T.S. Designs, Inc
2053 Willow Springs Lane, Burlington, NC USA 27215-8854
Contact Us General or Sales Inquiry
All the below extensions are reached by first dialing 336.229.6426 and then dialing the extension specific number listed below when the automated operator requests it. We utilize efax in order to deliver faxes directly to a specific individual.
Name Position Ext Email
Eric Henry President/Sales 201 eric@tsdesigns.com 801.991.6053
Cristie Holland Sales 205 cristie@tsdesigns.com 775.490.2098
TJ Johnson Art Director 300 tj@tsdesigns.com 336.226.4418
Julie McAteer Accounting 216 accounting@tsdesigns.com 801.858.6772
Tom Sineath CEO 243 tom@tsdesigns.com 775.490.2360