Worldwide Printer 2006-2010 Forecast and Analysis

Worldwide Printer 2006-2010 Forecast and Analysis
Published Date: November 2006
Published By: IDC
Page Count: 141
Order Code: R104-28656
Price: $4500 Online Downloader
This IDC study quantifies the worldwide printer market opportunity and analyzes its issues and trends. It includes inkjet, impact, and laser technology forecasts and combines them to examine the total market. The forecasts contain data for the United States, Western Europe, Asia/Pacific, and the rest of the world (ROW) markets from 2002 through 2010. Unit shipment, value of shipment, and average selling value (ASV) information is presented. Data for 2002?2005 is actual, whereas data for 2006?2010 is projected.
"The worldwide printer market is expected to show a -3.7% CAGR during the forecast period. IDC expects the United States, Western Europe, and Asia/Pacific to show declining shipments, as cannibalization of single-function printers by multifunction peripherals escalates. The areas of growth in the printer market will remain solely in the monochrome and color laser markets. The color laser segment represents a hot spot for printer activity, with high growth rates throughout the forecast period." ? Alyson Frasco, director, Worldwide Hardcopy Peripherals Research.
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