All Japan Federation of Printing Industry Associations
Name : The Japan Federation of Printing Industries (JFPI)
Established : June 3, 1985
Purpose : 10 printing industry associations formed JFPI to further the sophistication and over all development of the Printing industry through the exchange of valuable information and cooperation. The Federation was established to contribute to the development of Japanese industries, the improvement of national living conditions, and the advancement of culture.
Activities : Promoting technological sophistication in the printing industry.
Promoting development of the information industry.
Promoting stable supply and demand for products, materials, and equipment.
Promoting development of human and technological resources.
Promoting environmental protection and improved safety and sanitation practices.
Promoting awareness and knowledge of the printing industry.
Promoting international exchange.
Promoting exchange and cooperation with related institutions.
Address: 16-8, Shintomi 1-Chome, Chuo-ku
City: 104-0041 Tokyo
Country: Japan