1:1 (Personalized) Printing: Boosting Profits Through Relevance
1:1 (Personalized) Printing: Boosting Profits Through Relevance
EURƒ 102.00
Written by renowned industry expert Heidi Tolliver-Nigro, this report boils down the essentials of 1:1 printing that every marketer needs to know. Written in a succinct, no-nonsense style, Ï1:1 (Personalized) PrintingÓ describes the technology, the applications, key case studies, hypotheticals, and best practices marketers need to walk away feeling empowered to transform their print marketing for greater profitability.

For marketers, understanding 1:1 printing is not optional. This approach represents an entire paradigm shift in the use of print. This report examines the fundamentals of database-driven marketing on a 1:1, fully personalized basis. It starts with understanding the realities of digital printing technology, which drives 1:1 printing, and examines many of the myths behind the incorporation of databases.

Key for marketers is that it does not take a complex database to make 1:1 printing work. Success is based on creating relevance, which can be achieved with a single data point if the right data point is used. Myths associated with cost are also examined, including the fact that 1:1 printing is necessarily more costly than static direct mail.

Points are illustrated using best-in-class case studies, hypotheticals, and graphics from actual campaigns in key 1:1 printing categories, including:
- lead generation;
- loyalty programs;
- fundraising;
- direct sales;
- non-direct sales;
- one-off, personalized follow-ups;
- personalized URLs;
- transactional and transpromotional applications.

Special emphasis is placed on the importance of changing the way marketers evaluate the cost-effectiveness of print marketing, including a shift to cost per lead, cost per sale, and return on investment. Report concludes with best practices and strategies for success.

The report is part of the MarketerÌs Primer Series, which also includes ÏDigital Printing: Transforming Business and Marketing ModelsÓ and ÏWeb-to-Print: Transforming Document Management and Marketing Models.ÓWritten by renowned industry expert Heidi Tolliver-Nigro, this report boils down the essentials of 1:1 printing that every marketer needs to know. Written in a succinct, no-nonsense style, Ï1:1 (Personalized) PrintingÓ describes the technology, the applications, key case studies, hypotheticals, and best practices marketers need to walk away feeling empowered to transform their print marketing for greater profitability.