About AF&PA
The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) is the national trade association of the forest, pulp, paper, paperboard, and wood products industry. We represent member companies engaged in growing, harvesting, and processing wood and wood fiber, manufacturing pulp, paper, and paperboard products from both virgin and recycled fiber, and producing engineered and traditional wood products. AF&PA's mission is to influence successfully public policy to benefit the U.S paper and forest products industry.
AF&PA was founded on January 1, 1993, as a result of a merger between the National Forest Products Association and the American Paper Institute. From its first day of operation, AF&PA has met the expectations of its founders. The association's inclusive "big tent" philosophy has successfully united the various sectors of the forest products industry, providing an effective and influential presence in the public policy arena on all matters of industry concern. AF&PA's voice is heard by the Administration, Congress, federal regulatory agencies, and state legislatures. In addition, AF&PA has taken its leadership beyond the boundaries of the U.S. in its efforts to bring the world's forest products industries together and remove artificial barriers to competition.
AF&PA's members include manufacturers of over 75 percent of the paper, wood, and forest products produced in the United States. For companies as varied as small non-industrial private landowners, large multi-product producers, and family-run mills, AF&PA acts as the clearinghouse for statistical information, the leading force in technical, regulatory, and policy issues, and the national voice for the forestry, wood, and paper industries.
We are constantly working to return value to our members through innovative and effective programs that sustain and advance the industry's domestic and global competitiveness. We are committed to improving the environment, as well as being a part of creating a better tomorrow.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns regarding content on this website, please feel free to contact AF&PA in the following manner:
By mail: 1111 Nineteenth Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036
By phone: 1-800-878-8878, 1-202-463-2700
By e-mail: