The Italian Printing and Paper Converting Industries Association (ASSOGRAFICI) was set up in 1946 by entrepreneurs of the printing, paper and board converting industries.
Today Assografici has more than 1.000 printing and paper-converting member companies, with 1.300 production units, employing more than 50.000 employees and producing a turnover of around Ç«® 8 millions.
It is member of Confindustria, the Italian Confederation of Employers.
According to its by-laws, AssograficiǃÙs main aims are to provide member printing companies assistance, information and consultancy on a wide range of issues and aspects such as environment, economics, labour, tax etc.
Assografici carries out its activities both on a national and international level.
It is member of INTERGRAF (the International Confederation for Printing and Allied industries) and CITPA (International Confederation of paper and board Converters in Europe).
ASSOGRAFICI's headquarters are in Milan
Piazza Conciliazione 1 - Zip Code 20131
Tel. 02 4981051 - Fax 02 4816947