Association of Suppliers to the Paper Industry (ASPI)

Association of Suppliers to the Paper Industry (ASPI)
ASPI has a long history of providing collective benefits to the suppliers of differentiated goods and services to the paper industry. Since its formation in the early 1930s through the 1980s, its membership was primarily composed of engineered equipment suppliers operating in the United States. As the paper industry has matured and become increasingly dependent upon a wide and diverse range of suppliers, ASPI's charter and membership has expanded to include niche suppliers of consumables to large global suppliers of entire process islands.
The mission of ASPI is to assist its member supplier companies in providing increased economic benefits to their customers through collective knowledge, initiatives and efforts.
Membership in ASPI is available to qualified companies who supply differentiated goods and/or services to the pulp, paper and panelboard industry.
ASPI Headquarters
15 Technology Parkway S
Suite 500
Norcross, GA 30092
Phone: 770-209-7521
Fax: 770-209-7581