About, The Email Newsletter Review & Ezine Award Site

Email newsletter publishers can submit their ezine to where fellow email publishers, marketers and email list members will vote, rate and comment on the quality of your ezine.

Over time, we hope this format will allow the very best ezines to sift towards the top and the less than perfect ezines will collect dust at the bottom of the directory. You could think of as an award site moderated by your peers.

Every comment is human moderated and we have safety protocols in place to prevent scammers from artificially inflating the rank/score of the ezines listed in our site. If you try to artificially increase the rank of your ezine, you will have discovered one of the fastest ways to lose your BestEzines listing.
History of Best

Originally started by Scott Owen of Georgia in December of 1998,'s purpose was to review the very best email newsletters to aid the public in making decisions as to which ezine is the best to join for a particular topic.

June of 1999, we acquired the site from Scott and hired him to continue to produce the project. In August of 1999 we received our ISSN assignment [ISSN: 1526-1832] for the BestEzines project.

Over the years we've had guest writers of the periodic BestEzines issues including Janet Roberts, Brian Alt, Todd Kellner and Christopher Knight.
Turning Point for Best

Somewhere in 2004, we realized that the number of incoming submissions was too great and that thousands of submissions were not getting a chance to shine as we were only accepting a few dozen ezines per quarter... leaving thousands on the table.

The new idea for the project is to allow you, our peers, to vote, comment, rate and talk about or discuss the various ezines. Think of it as ezine social networking or peer group voting for the... BestEzines!

Your feedback is critical as we develop this site further and we look forward to your bug reports, feedback, praise and general comments or suggestions for new innovations you'd like to see: Contact Us
Your Next Step: Submit Your Best Ezine For Consideration:

Go here to submit your ezine. Takes only a few minutes and we'll review your submission within 10 days or less. :-)