Confederation of Paper and Board and Pulp Cellulose Producers (COPACEL)

Confederation of Paper and Board and Pulp Cellulose Producers (COPACEL)
The objectives of the COPACEL trade federation are :
to defend the interests of pulp, paper and of cardboard producers in all domains of their activities.
to co-ordinate the actions of its members in order to determine, put into action and communicate about a common line of conduct for the industry as a whole.
to assure the just representation of the members among the Public Authorities on the national and international level, as well as among foreign or international organisations and other economic and social organisations outside of the COPACEL
to give to its members aid and services in order to increase the effectiveness of the whole of the industry.
and, in general, to undertake all actions and efforts that the realisation of these objectives require, in particular:
the promotion of the image of the products and the industry,
the collection and analysis of statistical and economic information.
154, bd Haussmann - 75008 PARIS
Phone : 01 53 89 24 00 - Fax : 01 53 89 24 01