Desk Top Publishing Equipment & Services - Plimsoll Portfolio Analysis

Desk Top Publishing Equipment & Services - Plimsoll Portfolio Analysis
Published Date: April 2007
Published By: Plimsoll Publishing Ltd.
Page Count: 130
Order Code: R3468-1045
Price: $350 PDF E-mail from Publisher

The Plimsoll Portfolio Analysis - Desk Top Publishing Equipment & Services is a comprehensive evaluation of the UK market. The revised and updated 2006 edition analyses the financial performance of the companies important to the success of your business. Using the most up to date information available, the analysis is ideal both as a tool to benchmark your own company's results and to study the market in more depth. Aimed at the busy manager, the Plimsoll Portfolio Analysis is both quick and easy to use thanks to the unique visual layout. The Analysis lays bare the performance of each company highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. Do you know which companies are best to do business with? Do you know which companies are selling at a loss and whose profit margins are plummeting? Find out the answers to all these questions and more with the newly published Plimsoll Portfolio Analysis.