E-Paper Technology and Opportunities in Publishing, Communications, and the Graphic Arts

E-Paper Technology and Opportunities in Publishing, Communications, and the Graphic Arts
Product Description
E-Paper Technology and Opportunities in Publishing, Communications, and the Graphic Arts, an extensive, 161-page examination of the rapidly developing market for flexible electronic displays, commonly referred to as "e-paper." The report was written by Dr. Joe Webb, Director of Economics and Research, WhatTheyThink.com.
Once the stuff of science-fiction, "electronic paper" is starting to appear on the market as commercialized product. Advances in optical display and readability, power consumption, and connectivity have dramatically expanded the number of potential e-paper applications, from cellphone and PDA displays, packaging, signage, and alternatives to print media like books and magazines.
The report defines e-paper as "a thin, flexible display with a thickness, appearance, and readability factor equal to that of traditional pulp-based paper." There are several display technologies that call themselves "e-paper," each well-suited for specific tasks. The variety of potential applications is infinite and can modify the way many current products work today. These range from replacing paper in certain applications, creating new types of computer screens, PDAs, many other devices. E-paper is complementary and enabling technology, offering wireless connectivity, effectively bridging the gap between the Internet and print.
The e-paper market is highly dynamic, as new products enter the market almost daily. In just the past six months: Quantum Paper has developed a way for thin, flexible electronic displays to be applied to paper and other conventional substrates using regular offset lithographic or flexographic presses, opening the doors for rich media-enabled magazine inserts, among other applications - as well as a way for commercial printers to potentially get a piece of the e-paper action.
RFID-enabled e-paper tags have started to appear in retail establishments, allowing pricing and other information to be changed electronically rather than via reprinting; Sony has readied an e-paper-based e-book reader which will be sold in Borders bookstores (as well as SonyStyle stores) starting in Summer 2006, and which even stodgy book publishing executives have become excited about; an e-paper-based newspaper reader is currently being market-tested in Europe-and U.S. papers including The New York Times are already working to evaluate the technology;
There is an inherent "coolness" to the idea of e-paper, which usually translates into a great amount of hype and press coverage. Market forecasters have often been equally bullish on the practical potential of the technology. For example, one Japanese marketing and consulting firm predicts that the global e-paper market will hit $51 million by the end of 2006, and $177 million by 2008. Are these realistic forecasts?
In E-Paper Technology and Opportunities in Publishing, Communications, and the Graphic Arts, Strategies for Management combines its extensive, decades-long experience in the graphic arts markets with the skeptical, contrarian perspective that is its hallmark to critically and objectively assess the market potential of e-paper technology, and its potential impact on the graphic communications industry and the volume of print in particular. The report also details the extent to which e-paper is an opportunity as well as a challenge for traditional graphic arts service providers, content creators, publishers, suppliers, and others.
E-Paper Technology and Opportunities in Publishing, Communications, and the Graphic Arts examines e-paper technologies, applications, and products, as well as technology adoption rates and user demographics for other technologies, in the context of prevailing technological and cultural trends.