Finnish Forest Industries Federation

Finnish Forest Industries Federation
The Finnish Forest Industries Federation is an organisation representing the interests of companies involved in the forest industry and associated activities. It is tasked with promoting the competitiveness and profitability of the paper and wood products industries by strengthening the sectorǃÙs operating environment and public image in both Finland and abroad.
The organization's membership covers the entire pulp, paper and board industries. Industrial sawmills and several panel products corporations are some of our members in the wood products manufacturing sector. In all, members of our Federation employ over 46,000 people in Finland.
Contact information:
Postal address P.O.B. 336,

Visiting address Snellmaninkatu 13
00170 Helsinki

Direct dial +358 9 132 ....
Telephone +358 9 132 61
Fax +358 9 132 4445


Brussels Office Finnish Forest Industries Federation
250, Avenue Louise, 12th floor
B-1050 BRUSSELS, Belgium
Tel. +32 2 554 0900, 554 0901
Fax +32 2 223 4285