How To Get Off A Mailing List - Consumer Assistance - DMA Consumer Assistance

How To Get Off A Mailing List - Consumer Assistance - DMA Consumer Assistance
The Direct Marketing Association
1615 L St. NW
Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20036
Do You Need Help Getting Off Mailing Lists? You Have Options!
The DMA and its member companies want you to be happy with the mail you receive. Following are three choices so that you can be more in control of the types and volume of mail you get from DMA members.
1. Register for DMA's Mail Preference Service (MPS)
MPS will substantially decrease the amount of national advertising mail you receive. Please note that signing up with MPS may prevent you from receiving mail you want, such as new catalogues, coupons, announcements about new businesses in your community, and notices of special offers.
DMA's Mail Preference Service will help to remove your name and address from prospect mailing lists. Members of the DMA are required to use our name-removal service, and other marketers are encouraged to use it. Because some mailings are prepared far in advance, please allow 30-90 days for your registration with MPS to become fully effective.
Although the typical consumer sees a great reduction in the unsolicited mail he or she receives not all commercial mail will stop. You will continue to receive mail from companies with which you already do business and from non-DMA member companies that do not use our service. In addition, you may continue to receive mail from local merchants, professional and alumni associations, political candidates and office holders, and mail addressed to "resident/occupant." Please note that MPS applies only to home addresses, not business addresses.
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