Ink jet printing head

Ink jet printing head

Patent Agent: Fitzpatrick Cella Harper & Scinto - New York, NY, US
Patent Inventors: Hiroki Tajima, Minoru Nozawa, Ryoichiro Kurobe
Applicaton #: 20070008379
Class: 347058000 (USPTO)
Disclosed is an ink jet printing head attachable to/detachable from an ink jet printing apparatus, which includes an electric wiring member formed of a TAB tape to which terminals are provided, and which has a wiring exposed through an end section of the electric wiring member, the terminals accepting signals by making contact with a connection portion on the part of the apparatus when the head is attached to the apparatus. An opening is provided to a supporting member which supports the electric wiring member, the opening extending in a direction traversing an area where the electric wiring member is supported. Thereby, movement of liquid, such as water and ink, to the end section is blocked, the liquid moving through a gap between a back surface of the electric wiring member and a surface of the supporting member.

[0013] The present invention was made by taking the abovementioned issues into consideration, and aims at providing an ink jet printing head with a highly electrical reliability at low cost, by effectively preventing inconveniences entailed in an incident where liquid, such as water drops and ink, comes moving to a portion, in which a conductive member is exposed, of an electric wiring member of the printing head, and the like.
[0014] In an aspect of the present invention, there is provided an ink jet printing head attachable to/detachable from an ink jet printing apparatus, comprising:
[0015] an ejection portion including ink ejection openings, and elements which generate energy for ejecting ink from the ink election openings;
[0016] a tape-formed electric wiring member provided with: external signal connection terminals which make contact with connection terminals of the ink jet print apparatus when the ink jet printing head is attached to the ink jet printing apparatus; terminals connected to the elements; and a wiring for transmitting signals including drive signals for the elements by connecting the terminals and the external signal connection terminals; and
[0017] a supporting member, which supports the ejection portion and the electric wiring member, and which includes an opening extending in a direction traversing across an area where the electric wiring member is supported.
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