Mira Digital Publishing

Mira Digital Publishing

3800 Park Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110
Toll-free: 866.341.9588
Voice: +1 314.776.6666
Fax: +1 314.776.2470


It's certainly not a paperless world yet, but you do have a lot more publishing options than you used to. It's often
best to think in terms of a full range of multimedia publications. "Media" can mean anything from traditional printed
proceedings to searchable archives online, on disk, or even on portable USB "thumb drives."
We can handle virtually any print job, but our specialty is short-run digital printing, which finally lets you offer your
publications to any audience, in just about any quantity and any format – CD, DVD, web, print, and whatever new
media the future holds.

Mira can help with the design and production of all your publications:

Printed programs, proceedings books, journals, and other bound publications
Presentation handouts and technical preprints
Full-color brochures and postcards
Interactive CD-/DVD-ROMs
Multi-disk, searchable CD/DVD archives
CD/DVD duplication and replication
Multimedia advertisements, file conversion