The National Association of Printing Ink Manufacturers is a trade association whose purpose is to provide information and assistance to its members to better manage their businesses, and to represent the printing ink industry in the United States.

NAPIM provides direction through seminars, conferences, timely bulletins and day-to-day telephone communications.
NAPIM maintains a technical arm that is known as the National Printing Ink Research Institute (NPIRI). The Institute acts on special projects approved by the NAPIM Board that are of a mutual benefit to the members.
NAPIM exists in order to serve its membership and this is accomplished by being both re-active and pro-active to all issues affecting the ink industry.
NAPIM represents the ink industry as the unified voice before government and to the graphic arts industry. And as that unified voice --- NAPIM also maintains communication with other allied associations, so that NAPIM may act in concert with these other associations whenever appropriate.
NAPIM has a strong committee structure with advising directors for each committee; as a result, ink industry management and specialists can be a readily available resource on a wide variety of issues.
The NAPIM staff (including the legal counsel in Washington) are dedicated to doing what is best for the ink industry and its membership.
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