O'Reilly Digital Media

O'Reilly Digital Media
The Company
O'Reilly Media is the premier information source for leading-edge computer technologies. The company's books, conferences, and web sites bring to light the knowledge of technology innovators. O'Reilly books, known for the animals on their covers, occupy a treasured place on the shelves of the developers building the next generation of software. O'Reilly conferences and summits bring alpha geeks and forward-thinking business leaders together to shape the revolutionary ideas that spark new industries. From the Internet to Macintosh, open source, digital media, Java, and web services, O'Reilly puts technologies on the map.
O'Reilly's Digital Media Site
Traditional media, such as photography, music, graphic arts, TV, and video, are converging with computer technologies. O'Reilly's Digital Media site applies our expertise in computer technology to the rapidly changing world of creative media. Our audio articles and weblogs, for example, are written by experts who are both musicians and technologists. This provides you with more depth and breadth than you'll find from many other sources online.
The home page is easy to navigate. Down the left column of the page you can read timely weblog posts from our panel of experts. These often focus on breaking news and trends. The middle column features articles that tackle digital music, photography, video, HDTV, and more. Be sure to note our highlighted O'Reilly book in the right column, along with this month's featured photographer.
The Editors
Derrick Story

Derrick's experience includes more than 20 years as a photojournalist, a stint as the managing editor for Web Review, and a speaker for CMP, IDG, and O'Reilly conferences. He is the author of Digital Photography Hacks, Digital Photography Pocket Guide, 3rd Ed., and the PowerBook and iBook Fan Books. He coauthored iPhoto: The Missing Manual, which is now in its fourth edition. Derrick likes to keep his shooting skills sharp by running his photography business, Story Photography and writing about photography on his The Digital Story site.
Derrick Story
Digital Media Managing Editor
David Battino

David Battino, a lifelong musician, is the founding editor of Music & Computers and the Desktop Music Production Guide. He has covered music technology for Electronic Musician, Keyboard, MacAddict, MacHome, Maximum PC, and Productopia.com. David was also Technology Editor for Revolution, the largest launch in music-magazine history, where he designed and produced the monthly CD-ROM. Music Tech (UK) called his 2005 book and DVD, The Art of Digital Music, a "jolly good value." More at www.batmosphere.com.
David Battino
Audio and Digital Music Editor
Article Queries
If you have an article idea that you think is appropriate for the O'Reilly Digital Media site, send the working title and one paragraph description to: digitalmedia@oreilly.com
Office Address
Sebastopol (Corporate Headquarters)
1005 Gravenstein Highway North
Sebastopol, CA 95472
T: (707) 827-7000 / (800) 998-9938
F: (707) 829-0104