Paper & Related Industries Marketing Association (PRIMA)

Paper & Related Industries Marketing Association (PRIMA)
PRIMA is Europe¨•s premier organisation for marketeers in the paper and related industries. Its origins, more than 30 years ago, were rooted in a desire for professionals and practitioners to network and share knowledge to their mutual advantage. The infrastructure for networking is provided by the annual conference, a budgeting seminar and our members community. The conference has grown to one of the highlights of the year in the paper and related industries.
PRIMA has also evolved in many ways, reflecting changes in the industry structure and in meeting the challenges of alternative materials, media and an increasingly competitive market. One obvious step is the widening of the related part of the description from just pulp, mineral, chemical and paper machinery suppliers to the rest of the complete chain and crucially paper distributors, printers, publishers, stationers and packaging companies plus all major suppliers and customers of these sectors.
A more subtle change is the business role of many members. In the 1960¨•s, they were drawn primarily from large marketing departments of the paper groups and their suppliers. Those departments have largely gone. Instead, there are more consultants supporting industry leaders who are expected to include marketing as part of their overall competence.

Paper & Related Industries Marketing Association
Hauptplatz 3
A-8010 Graz, Austria
Phone: +43 316 5737 2088 - Fax: +43 316 5737 206