Radium Bronze
Radium Bronze
ZI Ecoparc
27400 Heudebouville
Tel. : +33 232 50 43 10
Fax :+33 232 50 45 02
e-mail : radium.bronze@wanadoo.fr
The FRM group
The mother company of the group, FABBRICHE RUINITE METALLI is based in Milan and manufactures gold and silver leaf as well as alloy leaf (imitation gold). These products are used for decoration, catering, framing and furnishings.
FRM also distributes gold and blind tooling films under the SMARTFOILS brand and SMARTINKS metallic inks.
Website :
New: FRM also offers a range of real gold products (powder, petals, leaves) for the catering and the chocolate industries.
Website: www.frm.it/food
In France, you can find out more information about gold leaf and other FRM products by writing to the following address: radium.feuille@wanadoo.fr
In other countries:
Tel. : +3902 9499 5236
FRM BRASIL (Sao Paulo) : frm@frmbrasil.com.br
Tel. : +5511691 46336
MEPA S (Nuremberg - Germany) : mepa-s@frm-group.com
Tel. : + 49 91 22630450
GOLDCHANNEL (Hong Kong) : goldchannel@frm-group.com
Tel. : +85 2234 12231
FRM U.S.A. (Los Angeles) : service.commercial@radiumbronze.com
Tel. : 1 32 34690856