Recycled Paper: The Best Choice - Conservatree

Recycled Paper: The Best Choice
100 Second Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94118
(415) 561-6530
Fax: (509) 756-6987
Paper purchasers can protect the environment, save money, and purchase the best papers available just by buying the best - recycled paper.
Reasons To Buy Recycled Paper
Excellent performance
Meets the same technical specifications as virgin papers
Many are acid-free for archival longevity
Successfully runs on the most demanding copiers, office machines and printing presses
Many recycled copy papers are guaranteed to work well in copiers
High to moderate brightness levels, with pleasing light reflection
Ranges from clean, bright whites to a wide palette of colors
Some recycled graphic papers have specks added back in to the paper to achieve custom design effects
Available in virtually every grade of paper
Most printers, paper distributors, and retail outlets have some recycled paper on their shelves
Choices are even greater if you order recycled paper ahead of time
Many are the best buy or evenly priced with nonrecycled, especially letterhead, matching envelopes, business cards, brochures, and many coated papers
When recycled papers cost more, price differentials are usually quite small
Buying in larger quantities and planning ahead further reduces or eliminates price premiums on recycled paper
Saves trees, energy, water, and landfill space compared to virgin paper
Protects forests, watersheds, ecosystems
Produces less pollution than virgin paper production
Offers environmental savings many times over, since fibers can be recycled repeatedly
Needs less bleaching than virgin papers; reduces use of toxic chemicals
Concentrates inks, chemicals and other potential hazards for responsible management, instead of releasing them as do landfilling and incineration
Incorporates full-cycle production costs, unlike virgin paper which includes no responsibility for its eventual disposal costs
The Future
Creates strong, ongoing markets for local community recycling collection systems
Provides the foundation of an environmentally sustainable paper production system (even when papers are tree-free, chlorine-free or produced through certified sustainable forestry)
Steps To Take in Purchasing and Using Recycled Paper
Always specify postconsumer recycled paper, to create markets for local community recycling collection systems.
Buy the highest postconsumer content you can, balanced against your budget and functional needs.
Choose the right grade of paper for your job.
Allow enough lead-time for a wider selection and better pricing.
Use recycled paper both for "public" paper uses such as stationery, direct mail and brochures, as well as for less visible uses such as copy paper.
Specify recycled paper use in all contracts.
Publicize the need to buy recycled paper - to employees, customers, vendors, citizens.
Label all printed materials, including letters, bills and publications, as printed on recycled paper so that others will see how acceptable and high quality it is.
Solve equipment and other complaints by investigating all possible causes of the problem. Don't quit buying recycled paper.
Deal with cost issues in ways that encourage continued recycled paper purchases. Reduce paper waste to reduce costs.
Obtain accurate information. Don't automatically believe negative claims.