Road Map 2007: Wide Format Printing

Road Map 2007: Wide Format Printing
Published By: InfoTrends/CAP Ventures
Page Count: 7
Order Code: R290-330
Price: $499 Online Download

InfoTrendsǃ٠annual Road Map document provides an opportunity to look ahead at the coming year to predict the market developments and events that will occur. This document is designed to make some specific and measurable predictions on aspects of the wide format market that may not be obvious or repetitive of certain themes found in our forecasts or other research documents. For instance, InfoTrends has been suggesting for two years that wide format UV-curable inkjet is a growing market, so you will not find that prediction in this document. This yearǃÙs Road Map also includes a look back at what we suggested were the top developments to look for in the coming year in January 2006.