Satori Software

Satori Software

Satori Software, Inc.
1301 5th Ave, Suite 2200
Seattle, WA 98101-2676

Fax: 206-357-2901

Company Profile

Satori Software delivers simply powerful address management solutions. Our products make address cleansing and postal sorting easier so that our customers can maintain high quality address data and achieve optimal postage rates. We increase deliverability and remove the aggravation of deciphering complex postal regulations.

In fulfilling our commitment to deliver a positive user experience, Satori Software makes customer support a top priority. It starts at first contact with a thorough needs analysis and database health check. Even though our products are designed for simplicity, friendly implementation assistance and expert technical help is always available. Satori Software maintains a staff of product technicians and postal experts who are at the disposal of our customers.
Satori Software has brought mail list management capabilities to the personal computer since 1982. Its initial product, Bulk Mailer, was the first PC-based software built to manage a large mailing list using hard disk technology. During that first decade, additional productivity packages were released for both Apple and PCs. In 1993, the company released a Windows version of Bulk Mailer in response to the rapid widespread use of the Windows operating system for business applications. The 1996 USPS Postal Rate reclassification made mailing software indispensable for achieving the best postal discounts and launched Satori Software into a newly expanded market.

Bulk Mailer
Since its first release in the early 1980s, the popular Bulk Mailer brand has served over 15,000 customers. Users of this desktop mailing preparation software include mailing houses, publishers, print shops, catalog companies, educational institutions and many other groups that handle regular volume mailings. Distinguished by its simplicity and full-featured capabilities, Bulk Mailer 5 has stood the test of time and its users. Future plans for the Bulk Mailer software family build on this foundation of easy-to-use, thoughtful design and our commitment to deliver simply powerful solutions to the mailing industry.
MailRoom ToolKit
Recognizing the need for improving address quality at the source, in 1998 Satori Software released an address management solution built to be integrated into existing applications. This new product, MailRoom ToolKit, began as a set of COM technologies, each with a specific purpose: address verification, address correction, postal presorting and, later, change-of-address processing.

MailRoom ToolKit has since expanded into other technologies such as ActiveX and .NET; and branched into new products. The resulting MailRoom ToolKit product line includes Capture, Office and Architect. MailRoom ToolKit Architect continues to deliver flexible, scalable and easy-to-maintain functionality that can be easily integrated into any compatible database, application or website.
Satori Software products are simply powerful. Our service is outstanding. Your return on investment is unmatched.