Western European Print On Demand Market Forecast: 2005-2010

Western European Print On Demand Market Forecast: 2005-2010
Published Date: October 2006
Published By: InfoTrends/CAP Ventures
Page Count: 84
Order Code: R290-292
Price: $10000 Online Download

This document provides a 2005-2010 forecast for the Western European on demand, data processing, and production copying markets. Data Tables with all of the relevant figures for the total of Western Europe are included at the end of this document. Data Tables for the main Western European countries and regions will follow shortly. The full Forecast document, which will include a detailed description of trends and drivers, will be published later this year.
InfoTrendsǃ٠2005-2010 Western European Print On Demand Market Forecast includes 2005 placements and a forecast up through 2010. This document discusses placements, installed base, impressions per machine per month, annual impressions, revenue (equipment, supplies, and service), average retail value per image, retail value of print, and per-impression calculations for equipment, supplies, and service.