What is Addressing Software?

What is Addressing Software?
S.E. Smith

ddressing software is computer software which is designed to assist the user with formatting and addressing envelopes properly. It is extremely useful for individuals and companies which handle large volumes of mail, since addressing software also typically includes a database with a large capacity, allowing users to store and reuse addresses. Using addressing software ensures that mailed materials have a uniform look, and it also expedites mailing by validating addresses and postal codes to make sure that they read correctly.

Numerous companies make addressing software for everyone from individuals to large companies. The software usually includes a mailing database, pre-set formatting guides which allow users to enter envelope size to generate envelopes, and a validation aspect which confirms postal codes and makes sure that addresses are formatted properly. This bundled package is often marketed as an addressing software kit, assuring purchasers that the software will handle all of the difficult parts of a mailing.

In most cases, addressing software is linked with postal standards, allowing it to make decisions for the user. It will standardize nomenclature in the way the post office likes to see, abbreviating sections of an address where needed, for example. It will also make sure that addresses are complete, including number, street, city, state or province, postal code, and so forth. For bulk mailing, addressing software may also offer a sorting option, printing envelopes in batches which can be bundled together for the post office, allowing the user to save on mailing costs.

There are a number of personal uses for addressing software. Individuals, for example, can keep an address book in their addressing software, generating an envelope whenever they need to mail something. The software can also be used for bulk personal mailings, such as holiday cards or announcements for events like weddings, graduations, and new babies. For weddings, addressing software can be very useful, since it can also be used to generate the inner envelopes such as RSVP envelopes which are typically included in a wedding invitation.

If you are considering purchasing of addressing software, you may want to think out your needs. Features such as post code verification, for example, usually cost more, and if you do not think such a feature is necessary, you can save money by eliminating it. Consider limits on the size of the database, available fonts for addressing, and on unusual envelope sizes before purchasing addressing software, to ensure that you get a product which is right for your purposes.