
About Us
You are visiting the largest, graphic arts community in the print industry. We measure size by original members registered to the site. Started in March of 2000, WhatTheyThink.com provides daily news, interviews, research and many more resources to our members. Our goal is to provide unbiased, real-time market intelligence to print and publishing executives.
WhatTheyThink - the name, actually came from an industry consultant. We were searching for a name that reflected our goal of developing a community built on what industry professionals had to say. We wanted unbiased takes from print buyers, designers, printers and suppliers. Not just the big printers or the suppliers who were "buying advertising" - but ideas and knowledge from every corner of the industry.
WhatTheyThink.com is supported financially in three ways. Advertising, Paid Subscriptions and Content Syndication. Our primary support comes from charging subscription fees to access exclusive areas of our site. This access, called Premium Access mandates an unbiased community. WhatTheyThink.com is rewarded by the end user directly- If our product (content) is tainted, members will not support us. Our pockets are literally lined by industry professionals - not by major outside underwriting or other means of funding. "For the community, by the community."
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