World Specialty Printing Consumables Market 2008
World Specialty Printing Consumables Market 2008
Publisher :
Global Industry Analyst
Language :
Publication date :
March 2008
Document Size :
213 pages


This report analyzes the US market for Specialty Printing Consumables in Millions of US$. The specific product segments analyzed are Inks and Toners, Specialty Substrates, and Specialty Chemicals. The report provides comprehensive market analytics. Annual forecasts are provided for each product segment for the period of 2011 through 2015. The report profiles 95 companies including many key and niche players such as Central Ink Corporation, Color Resolutions International LLC,.The Dow Chemical Company,DuPont Performance Coatings, Environmental Inks and Coatings Corporation, Flint Group, Ink Systems, Inc., INX International Ink Co., Hostmann-Steinberg Inc ., Nazdar, Sensient Technologies Corporation, Fujifilm Sericol U.S.A., Inc. , Sun Chemical Corporation, Superior Printing Ink Co., Inc., Toyo Ink America LLC , Wikoff Color Corp, American Ink Jet Corporation, Braden Sutphin, Day International, Inc. , Gans Ink and Supply Company, Inc., Graphic Sciences Inc., Handschy Industries, Heidelberg USA, Inc., Holt Sublimation Printing & Products, Polytex Environmental Inks, Ltd ., Prisco (PrintersÌ Service) , RBP Chemical Technology Inc., Tempil Ink, Inc.., and Van Son Holland Ink Corp. Market data and analytics are derived from primary and secondary research. Company profiles are mostly extracted from URL research and reported select online sources