Lenticular: Lenticular printing takes 2 dimensional images and adds depth and motion. This is done with a special lens and a flat printed image. Consumers find this type of printing very appealing and advertising using this method is highly successful.

Lenticular - How it works
Lenticular - How it works Lenticular print can easily be described as specially prepared graphics that are designed to work together with a lenticular lens to allow the viewer to see different imag
LENTICULAR FAQ edmonds 1. What is lenticular technology? Lenticular printing is one of the most exciting print technology to emerge in recent years. The technology converts static, two-dimension
Lenticular lenses
Lenticular lenses Lenticular lenses are plastic lenses consisting of an array of optical elements (lenticules). When viewed from different angles, different areas under the lens are magnified. Di